Refractory Bricks

Dense Refractory Brick are used in applications with extreme mechanical, erosive, chemical, or thermal stresses.

Insulating Brick are more porous, lightweight bricks primarily used to insulate furnaces, kilns, and process equipment. They are generally weaker but much lighter, easier to form, and insulate far better than dense bricks.

Refractory Monolithics

Refractory Monolithics are mixtures of refractory raw material aggregates and binders without definite form and are only given shape upon application. The common monolithic products are mortars, castable or concretes, plastics, ramming masses.

Benefits: Monolithic materials have the benefit of low material and installation costs, faster installation, ease of placing into difficult shapes or areas, and lack of joints.

Refractory Ceramic Fiber

Refractory Ceramic Fiber is a product line of various refractory raw materials that are manufactured into a fiberous form and converted into various products such as blankets, boards, paper, ropes, modules, etc.

Benefits: Low thermal conductivity and heat loss, resistance to thermal shock, ease of installation, fewer joints, highly insulating.

Refractory Anchors

Refractory Anchors are metallic or ceramic fastening systems designed to keep refractory linings supported and securely held in place. They are primarily used for monolithic linings however ceramic fiber linings and brick linings on vertical walls or overhead require some method of retention as well.


Refractories are materials that maintain enough physical and chemical integrity to be used in high temperature process equipment found in industrial applications like Petrochemical, Energy, Cement & Lime, Steel, Aluminum, Glass and many others. While the primary use of refractories is for resistance to high temperatures, they are also crucial in protecting process equipment from the effects of mechanical stresses caused by high temperature, thermal cycling, erosion or abrasion by molten slags, and corrosion by harmful chemical environments. While the refractory industry is relatively unknown, they are essential to industrial processes and the majority of products man uses today.

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